Sunday, March 10, 2013

yesterday's experiments...

good morning.

the night before last I had this sudden urge to experiment with only coconut flour.

this meant avoiding the almond flour so that folks with nut allergies could enjoy our
baking mixes. I found a few recipes. being one who does not follow the rules well...
revised two recipes; one for brownies and one for banana muffins. holy cow!!
they turned out better than I could have ever imagined.

I have been a big fan of almond flour but keep finding that my baking is dense.
I know this is a typical almond flour reaction. it bakes up well and is tasty... but dense.
when only using coconut flour you need a lot more moisture. more eggs, more liquid.
more than I ever use with almond but.... the outcome is light, delicious, protein packed,
carb reduced, paleo happy, gluten free, grain free, nut free, white sugar free and yummy.

to the brownie recipe I added semi sweet chocolate chips, this turned an everyday
brownie into this dark, rich, intensely chocolate, decadent delight!
I winged the banana muffin recipe and created the best muffins ever.

this recipe is going to be my new mix recipe. thinking that Friday night might have been a fluke...
I baked again this afternoon my most favorite combination; an almond coconut macaroon
muffin. they are cooling on the kitchen counter right now, but they smell divine!!
maybe this wasn't a fluke,
maybe I actually have engineered a spot on coconut flour baking mix,
maybe this will be my prized mix,
maybe this is the one!?
try a mix, bake it up and tell me what you think!!

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